PORK #3 hit the streets (and the internet yesterday, so here are the full color pictures from the Wild West Style editorial.
Concept and Photography by Katie Aaberg Fashions by ALLIHALLA Hair and Makeup by Amelia Hart Leather by Slash'n'Burn Additional Wardrobe by Kitsch Models: Aaron Sullivan, Allison Ditson, Amelia Hart, Janelle Derven, Miranda Jenee
It's clearly a fun loving themed photo shoot cowboys and indians it's about kitch and americana and fashion and cute girls. If you were truly offended by it then you need to get out more.
This could only be fun loving to a person in a position of privilege. It must be nice to be able to dress up as a stereotype and not think about the consequences of it.
when am i going to get to see caricatures of white people? fact is, never. think about that before you tell someone to get out more. maybe you should get your head out your ass more.
"PORK does not believe in cultural ownership or the concept of 'genuine'. Things are either done well or not done well. "
That's pretty funny because even ignoring all the racist issues, this was not done well at all. Nothing says wild west like a chain link fence in the suburbs.
Just a tip, kids. You should have gone for Evel Knievel, american daredevil-style kitsch, not cowboys and indians. That's what you wanted. Would have been way more fresh than basic-ass shit.
I agree. This is distasteful and vile. I am extremely disappointed in Pork. These photos need to be taken down and an apology issued to your readers.
It is never okay to have white folks dressing up as people of color. It is disgusting. I will be on an active campaign to share this bullshit photo shoot with everyone I come in contact with and persuade folks to not buy this magazine until Pork owns up to its fuck-up and retracts the photos.
i know this is being called "funloving", but for many folks it just isn't, but rather a continuation of centuries of unaccountable white nonsense here on stolen land. Just because you can't or won't perceive this as appropriative and racist (and why would you without challenging the underlying circumstances of it?), doesn't mean it isn't. Maybe instead of the defensiveness here and on the PORK site, you'll come out of this with a clearer picture of why some folks are so pissed off if you checked out this link?
This brings up a long standing question for me. How much responsibility does one have when it comes to putting out a piece of art? I appreciate the aesthetic of what my comrades have produced. I love these fashions. I enjoy this art. That what this shoot is. I don't believe it is ever the artist's responsibility to apologize for their art.
A good tip for anyone: If someone calls you out for being oppressive/ignorant, rather than getting defensive or simply denying any responsibility, try taking a moment to consider that maybe you've done something wrong and talk to them about what they feel the issue is.
No one likes to feel marginalized. No one likes to put themselves out there knowing that they're likely to be written off and called "oversensitive" so when they do, there is generally a cause for it.
What it comes down to is a basic respect, which I'm seeing a really sad lack of. Please check yourselves.
That kind of says everything i could ever want to know about whether and to what extent these folks will take people's concerns with any seriousness. They won't. Whether it's because they think this is "art" as some commenters might, and therefore somehow above critique; or because they've gone so far into ironyland that all they can see is their own asses, i couldn't say. But at this point it seems growth is halted.
Dan, point taken, but you're making a whole lot of assumptions, including about what people are involved in. i've found it's generally not the case that someone who'll get upset about this kind of shit isn't doing anything else so they can spend all their time on pork lol. Come on, getting pissed at this isn't the same as saying "this is the most important thing evar!" (though im sure pork wouldnt mind that kind of exposure), it's just one more thing adding to the pile.
romham, i'm not making any assumptions about what you do or don't do. but choosing battles is important. the american left is totally ineffective because most americans think of leftists as people who try to make them feel guilty about opaque and insignificant points of racial etiquette that are only relevant to other leftists. extreme oversensivity and a tendency lecture harms recruiting to whatever other cause one might be involved in. guilt is not a good motivator!
for me this whole thing is a fine example of this. lots of anger directed at an image that takes nothing away from anyone (least of all the commenters) and is a universe distant from the many acts of actual racism or cultural appropriation that we could easily find and which deserve serious responses.
- The attitude of "OMG FOCUS ON THE 'REAL' PROBLEMS!" is fucked up. One, working on fixing small problems does NOT mean someone isn't working on fixing the "big ones." Two, the "smaller," more pervasive problems are usually more accessible to address because they are closer to home, perpetuated by many, including loved ones, heroes, and acquaintances. Third, the "big" problems CANNOT fully be addressed of fixed without also addressing the "smaller" ones. Not only because they are part of the problem, but also because they involve the attitudes, people, and ideas that allow the "big" problems to continue.
- Creating art is not an endeavor devoid of responsibility and social consciousness. When putting something out into the world, one should think twice before perpetuating fucked up oppressive images, dynamics, and systems. There are ways to be innovative, creative, in-your-face, and even OFFENSIVE that DO NOT rely on racist tropes.
Please. Think about what you're doing and how it can hurt others, and even hurt activist movements. Is creating "a piece of art" worth all that shit? No. It's not.
I am of the opinion that cheeky cosplay is the result of cultural cross-pollination and not misappropriation... intent counts for something.
These photos are colorful cheesecake, not mockery. In general, I'm not much for sacred cows of any variety, especially when they get in the way of lightheartedness.
The line drawn in the sand by many of those commenting shuts down any meaningful dialogue.
Oppressing and censoring any form of self expression is the opposite of the message that the self-righteous people are screaming. Defining and telling others what they can and can't do, and to take down something just because you don't particularly like it is just as at fault as any Religious, Political, and Racial Extremists that teach hate, scorn, shame and damnation. On either side, whether you are of Native American decent or not, it's not right to teach hate. No matter your race, relation, etc. The terrible things that have happened to each are in the past. None of us are physically or theoretically responsible or wounded, even if you have ancestors that were involved. It was not you yourself. Nothing can be done about what has already been done, except to move forward and teach open mindedness, acceptance, and to stop pointing fingers. Don't oppress others to feel like you're doing something meaningful and sticking it to the man. Save that awesome conviction for standing up for today's important issues that you can help change, whatever that is to you. (Personal examples: war, poverty, hunger, gay rights, etc.) Promote freedom not censorship, let everyone express themselves in whatever way they choose, whether they're white, Native American, gay, short, Asian, blonde, black, purple, writers, or photographers.
Excuse me, amateurs. I'd also like to add that there are PLENTY of Native people IN PORTLAND, (Hi it's the third largest population of Native people in the US but I guess you assume we are all Mexican right?) that see shit like this and wonder why non-native people think it's funny, "arty", ironic, creative. It's fucking hurtful....you have no idea, nor will you ever know, what it feels like to have our history. How about reading up on Indian Boarding school's, or the sterilization of Native women that was happening up until the fucking '80s.....please educate yourself. There is not one thing you can say to this Indian that would make me ever think that this photo shoot was ok. Sorry, but you are all in the wrong, and should fucking know better....
Wow! Katie, did you ever think your photos would create all this?!?! You'd think your photos were of native Americans being tied up and beaten. What if these people were dressed up as real Indians wearing saris, nose piercings and bindis, would anyone give a flying &!$#? Doubt it.
Holy shit, there are some humorless self-righteous prigs around here... no wonder Sean's so down on us liberals all the time.
My favorite, though: "I will be on an active campaign to share this bullshit photo shoot with everyone I come in contact with and persuade folks to not buy this magazine until Pork owns up to its fuck-up and retracts the photos."
So, PORK, maybe you should just do a shoot with people in blackface and then yell at everybody about how little being in blackface means to black people. Sounds like the kind of fun you're into, anyway.
This is in no way racist. WTF?!? Have people become so lame & sensitive that this is what it's come down to: a goofy little photo shoot that's "so racist it's disheartening?!?" Have you ever been to prison? Probably not. County jail? Again, probably not. Live on the streets of Detroit as a "White boy?" Probably not. THEN YOU will experience racism--11% White in prison, a minority in county jail, a REAL, FULL-BLOODED minority on the streets of Detroit, strung out and in pain. That's racism, that's pain, that's injustice. I'm White. Latino & White. I've felt it & I've seen it. I got into hardcorepunk 27 yrs ago so I wouldn't have to encounter this vile stupidity. GTFO here with that p.c. this is racist bullshit & smell the fuckin' coffee!
Whatever. Your can dye your hair as many colors as you want, fill your body full of piercings, and run your loud ass mouth about how you're bravely embracing the ugly. But your just a bunch of privileged ass white kids pissing on people of color. Not any different than the preppy ass fraternity kids or whitebread suburbans who at the end of the day, are just dicks who think and act like they are racially superior. Nothing alternative about this shit - absolutely the status quo.
Whiney cry babies, wah wah wah. You are sooooo privileged just b/c you're White. You are pissing all over us poor, poor, oppressed "people of color!" Gimme a break! Quit playing the lame-ass played out, 'victim role'. I'm White European Colombian & I live in a predominantly Black city, Detroit. Blacks here don't whine about getting pissed on by us White boys! We get along great & love & respect one another. My Black brothers are my equals! So I was born of Spanish European descent via a Colombian father & a American mother of Polish descent. Oh I had sooooo much f'n white privilege, hooray for me. But wait, I'm supposed to feel oh-so guilty about this. I'd better start degrading myself & apologizing for everyone else's shortcomings. Poor them, lucky me. All these 'people of color' need my help! They all need the big strong White-man to come to their defense. Yeah, that's the idiotic liberal approach. You have no idea how my life has been and whether or not I am privileged as a "White" (which your sorry racist ass just assumes I am, cuz of your own lame ass racist thought patterns) person. Try living in the real world.
I am Native American this make me sick and you guys don't know nothing about are ways at all you guys think put a feather on your head make you think you Native. People like you guys we don't need enemy at all.
I am Native American, clearly you are aware that insulting people directly, or indirectly overtly or covertly is legally unacceptable...perhaps with out notice an attorney shows up at you rdoor asking why it is acceptable to degrade Native Americans! I DO not see any reason why an attorney should not send you a letter, etc...HHMMMM...mmmaybe that is not such a bad idea! and this "vadermask might consider changing his tone....you can be traced via the internet...supervened of necessary! Legal much?! the artist needs to explain herself before she ends up in legal deep shit!
This is appropriative and racist. As a reader of this blog, I am disheartened.
It's clearly a fun loving themed photo shoot cowboys and indians it's about kitch and americana and fashion and cute girls. If you were truly offended by it then you need to get out more.
This could only be fun loving to a person in a position of privilege. It must be nice to be able to dress up as a stereotype and not think about the consequences of it.
when am i going to get to see caricatures of white people? fact is, never. think about that before you tell someone to get out more. maybe you should get your head out your ass more.
Fun and fancy free photo shoot! Looks good.
"PORK does not believe in cultural ownership or the concept of 'genuine'. Things are either done well or not done well. "
That's pretty funny because even ignoring all the racist issues, this was not done well at all. Nothing says wild west like a chain link fence in the suburbs.
Just a tip, kids. You should have gone for Evel Knievel, american daredevil-style kitsch, not cowboys and indians. That's what you wanted. Would have been way more fresh than basic-ass shit.
when am i going to get to see caricatures of white people?
The cowboys aren't white?
I agree. This is distasteful and vile. I am extremely disappointed in Pork. These photos need to be taken down and an apology issued to your readers.
It is never okay to have white folks dressing up as people of color. It is disgusting. I will be on an active campaign to share this bullshit photo shoot with everyone I come in contact with and persuade folks to not buy this magazine until Pork owns up to its fuck-up and retracts the photos.
I don't see how it can be fun loving about cowboys and Indians, when I don't see anything that demonstrates a person is playing a 'cowboy' role.
i know this is being called "funloving", but for many folks it just isn't, but rather a continuation of centuries of unaccountable white nonsense here on stolen land. Just because you can't or won't perceive this as appropriative and racist (and why would you without challenging the underlying circumstances of it?), doesn't mean it isn't. Maybe instead of the defensiveness here and on the PORK site, you'll come out of this with a clearer picture of why some folks are so pissed off if you checked out this link?
The worst that can happen (to you anyways) is that you learn a little something about another way to look at this.
This brings up a long standing question for me. How much responsibility does one have when it comes to putting out a piece of art? I appreciate the aesthetic of what my comrades have produced. I love these fashions. I enjoy this art. That what this shoot is. I don't believe it is ever the artist's responsibility to apologize for their art.
Also, the person who claims "when am i going to get to see caricatures of white people? fact is, never." has obviously never seen a Steve Martin film.
A good tip for anyone: If someone calls you out for being oppressive/ignorant, rather than getting defensive or simply denying any responsibility, try taking a moment to consider that maybe you've done something wrong and talk to them about what they feel the issue is.
No one likes to feel marginalized. No one likes to put themselves out there knowing that they're likely to be written off and called "oversensitive" so when they do, there is generally a cause for it.
What it comes down to is a basic respect, which I'm seeing a really sad lack of. Please check yourselves.
Wow! This is awful & I'm saddened by the responses from people who think crap like is FUNNY.
i mean, this
and this
is their reply to critiques.
That kind of says everything i could ever want to know about whether and to what extent these folks will take people's concerns with any seriousness.
They won't. Whether it's because they think this is "art" as some commenters might, and therefore somehow above critique; or because they've gone so far into ironyland that all they can see is their own asses, i couldn't say. But at this point it seems growth is halted.
Dan, point taken, but you're making a whole lot of assumptions, including about what people are involved in. i've found it's generally not the case that someone who'll get upset about this kind of shit isn't doing anything else so they can spend all their time on pork lol. Come on, getting pissed at this isn't the same as saying "this is the most important thing evar!" (though im sure pork wouldnt mind that kind of exposure), it's just one more thing adding to the pile.
romham, i'm not making any assumptions about what you do or don't do. but choosing battles is important. the american left is totally ineffective because most americans think of leftists as people who try to make them feel guilty about opaque and insignificant points of racial etiquette that are only relevant to other leftists. extreme oversensivity and a tendency lecture harms recruiting to whatever other cause one might be involved in. guilt is not a good motivator!
for me this whole thing is a fine example of this. lots of anger directed at an image that takes nothing away from anyone (least of all the commenters) and is a universe distant from the many acts of actual racism or cultural appropriation that we could easily find and which deserve serious responses.
A few comments:
- The attitude of "OMG FOCUS ON THE 'REAL' PROBLEMS!" is fucked up. One, working on fixing small problems does NOT mean someone isn't working on fixing the "big ones." Two, the "smaller," more pervasive problems are usually more accessible to address because they are closer to home, perpetuated by many, including loved ones, heroes, and acquaintances. Third, the "big" problems CANNOT fully be addressed of fixed without also addressing the "smaller" ones. Not only because they are part of the problem, but also because they involve the attitudes, people, and ideas that allow the "big" problems to continue.
- Creating art is not an endeavor devoid of responsibility and social consciousness. When putting something out into the world, one should think twice before perpetuating fucked up oppressive images, dynamics, and systems. There are ways to be innovative, creative, in-your-face, and even OFFENSIVE that DO NOT rely on racist tropes.
Please. Think about what you're doing and how it can hurt others, and even hurt activist movements. Is creating "a piece of art" worth all that shit? No. It's not.
I am of the opinion that cheeky cosplay is the result of cultural cross-pollination and not misappropriation... intent counts for something.
These photos are colorful cheesecake, not mockery. In general, I'm not much for sacred cows of any variety, especially when they get in the way of lightheartedness.
The line drawn in the sand by many of those commenting shuts down any meaningful dialogue.
Oppressing and censoring any form of self expression is the opposite of the message that the self-righteous people are screaming. Defining and telling others what they can and can't do, and to take down something just because you don't particularly like it is just as at fault as any Religious, Political, and Racial Extremists that teach hate, scorn, shame and damnation. On either side, whether you are of Native American decent or not, it's not right to teach hate. No matter your race, relation, etc. The terrible things that have happened to each are in the past. None of us are physically or theoretically responsible or wounded, even if you have ancestors that were involved. It was not you yourself. Nothing can be done about what has already been done, except to move forward and teach open mindedness, acceptance, and to stop pointing fingers. Don't oppress others to feel like you're doing something meaningful and sticking it to the man. Save that awesome conviction for standing up for today's important issues that you can help change, whatever that is to you. (Personal examples: war, poverty, hunger, gay rights, etc.) Promote freedom not censorship, let everyone express themselves in whatever way they choose, whether they're white, Native American, gay, short, Asian, blonde, black, purple, writers, or photographers.
psychotrashska, wow. How about you tell that to residential school survivors here in canada?
So done with this conversation.
Excuse me, amateurs. I'd also like to add that there are PLENTY of Native people IN PORTLAND, (Hi it's the third largest population of Native people in the US but I guess you assume we are all Mexican right?) that see shit like this and wonder why non-native people think it's funny, "arty", ironic, creative. It's fucking hurtful....you have no idea, nor will you ever know, what it feels like to have our history. How about reading up on Indian Boarding school's, or the sterilization of Native women that was happening up until the fucking '80s.....please educate yourself. There is not one thing you can say to this Indian that would make me ever think that this photo shoot was ok. Sorry, but you are all in the wrong, and should fucking know better....
Wow! Katie, did you ever think your photos would create all this?!?! You'd think your photos were of native Americans being tied up and beaten. What if these people were dressed up as real Indians wearing saris, nose piercings and bindis, would anyone give a flying &!$#? Doubt it.
Holy shit, there are some humorless self-righteous prigs around here... no wonder Sean's so down on us liberals all the time.
My favorite, though: "I will be on an active campaign to share this bullshit photo shoot with everyone I come in contact with and persuade folks to not buy this magazine until Pork owns up to its fuck-up and retracts the photos."
Ha! Way to join Pork's volunteer marketing staff!
I just popped in to see if there have been any new comments added here and of course there have been!
Concerned Ass Nigga said it best:
Internet is not for hate, it's for porn.
Also, this may be the best quote I've ever heard:
Wow, these people use "hipster" like they're calling Black people "nigger". Pretty intense.
So, PORK, maybe you should just do a shoot with people in blackface and then yell at everybody about how little being in blackface means to black people. Sounds like the kind of fun you're into, anyway.
Noyzboy is inspired ...
This is in no way racist. WTF?!? Have people become so lame & sensitive that this is what it's come down to: a goofy little photo shoot that's "so racist it's disheartening?!?" Have you ever been to prison? Probably not. County jail? Again, probably not. Live on the streets of Detroit as a "White boy?" Probably not. THEN YOU will experience racism--11% White in prison, a minority in county jail, a REAL, FULL-BLOODED minority on the streets of Detroit, strung out and in pain. That's racism, that's pain, that's injustice. I'm White. Latino & White. I've felt it & I've seen it. I got into hardcorepunk 27 yrs ago so I wouldn't have to encounter this vile stupidity. GTFO here with that p.c. this is racist bullshit & smell the fuckin' coffee!
Whatever. Your can dye your hair as many colors as you want, fill your body full of piercings, and run your loud ass mouth about how you're bravely embracing the ugly. But your just a bunch of privileged ass white kids pissing on people of color. Not any different than the preppy ass fraternity kids or whitebread suburbans who at the end of the day, are just dicks who think and act like they are racially superior. Nothing alternative about this shit - absolutely the status quo.
Whiney cry babies, wah wah wah. You are sooooo privileged just b/c you're White. You are pissing all over us poor, poor, oppressed "people of color!" Gimme a break! Quit playing the lame-ass played out, 'victim role'. I'm White European Colombian & I live in a predominantly Black city, Detroit. Blacks here don't whine about getting pissed on by us White boys! We get along great & love & respect one another. My Black brothers are my equals! So I was born of Spanish European descent via a Colombian father & a American mother of Polish descent. Oh I had sooooo much f'n white privilege, hooray for me. But wait, I'm supposed to feel oh-so guilty about this. I'd better start degrading myself & apologizing for everyone else's shortcomings. Poor them, lucky me. All these 'people of color' need my help! They all need the big strong White-man to come to their defense. Yeah, that's the idiotic liberal approach. You have no idea how my life has been and whether or not I am privileged as a "White" (which your sorry racist ass just assumes I am, cuz of your own lame ass racist thought patterns) person. Try living in the real world.
I am Native American this make me sick and you guys don't know nothing about are ways at all you guys think put a feather on your head make you think you Native. People like you guys we don't need enemy at all.
Idle No More!!!!
I am Native American, clearly you are aware that insulting people directly, or indirectly overtly or covertly is legally unacceptable...perhaps with out notice an attorney shows up at you rdoor asking why it is acceptable to degrade Native Americans! I DO not see any reason why an attorney should not send you a letter, etc...HHMMMM...mmmaybe that is not such a bad idea! and this "vadermask might consider changing his tone....you can be traced via the internet...supervened of necessary! Legal much?! the artist needs to explain herself before she ends up in legal deep shit!
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